Creativity and Innovations are one of the essential skills of 21st century. The more skillful one becomes, more are the chances for academic and professional excellence. Teaching fraternity is no exception. Creativity and innovations in teaching are the need of an hour
To explore and exhibit creativity in the teaching-learning process, a Faculty Development Program for the faculties of Saffrony Institute of Technology was conducted by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 3rd and 4th October, 2018. Films provide a wider variety of entertainment as well as knowledge. However, using films in teaching is altogether a new approach. Shri Kamal Dabawala used film to teach various concepts and aspects of team building, management, achieving goal
and creating a right mindset.
Degree and Diploma Engineering faculties as well as non-teaching and admin staff members attended and actively participated in FDP. It was a refreshing experience for everyone, of watching film together, unleashing various perspectives and interpretations followed by discussion.
Here are the glimpses of the same: