FDP- A Faculty Development Program by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 3rd-4th October, 2018 | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

FDP- A Faculty Development Program by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 3rd-4th October, 2018

Creativity and Innovations are one of the essential skills of 21st century. The more skillful one becomes, more are the chances for academic  🎓  and professional excellence. Teaching fraternity is no exception. Creativity and innovations in teaching are the need of an hour ⏰. 

To explore and exhibit creativity in the teaching-learning  process, a Faculty Development Program  for the faculties of Saffrony Institute of Technology 🏢 was conducted by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 3rd and 4th October, 2018. Films provide a wider variety of entertainment as well as knowledge. However, using films in teaching is altogether a new approach. Shri Kamal Dabawala used film to teach various concepts and aspects of team building, management, achieving goal 🎯 and creating a right mindset. 

Degree and Diploma Engineering faculties as well as non-teaching and admin staff members attended and actively participated in FDP.  It was a refreshing experience for everyone, of watching film 🎞 together, unleashing various perspectives and interpretations followed by discussion.   

Here are the glimpses of the same: 🖼

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