Institute updates: Celebration of Creativity & Innovation in the DE & Journaling Exhibition | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute updates: Celebration of Creativity & Innovation in the DE & Journaling Exhibition

On January 2nd, 2023, Saffrony Institute of Technology hosted a variety of exciting events centered around the theme of Exhibiting students' creative and innovative projects of Design Engineering as well as Journaling Assignment of ETC. 
In the subject of Design Engineering, also well known as Design Thinking, students were to form teams of 3 or 4, select any one Domain, visit the users of that domain, observe and empathise with their daily struggles, identify and define problems faced by the users and lastly ideate innovative and creative solutions to solve the same. The 2021 Batch 3rd semester students divided themselves among 24 teams and chose various domains like Transportation, Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, etc., and came up with some brilliant solutions for their domain's stakeholders under the guidance of the DE Core team - Prof. Akshay Kansara, Prof. Avani Dedhia, Prof. Jignesh Kadia, and their project guides. They displayed their ideas through various canvases, presentations, and even partially completed prototypes in some cases. This Exhibition was aimed to celebrate and encourage the efforts put in by students, by inviting the rest of the student fraternity and faculty members, who also in turn gave them many more ideas.
Along with DE, a Journalling Exhibition was also held in which all of the 110+ 3rd-semester students took up a 65 days' Journaling challenge. As a part of their ETC curriculum, Dr. Pooja Mehta would send them a different prompt each day which they would elaborate on, in their Journals. Students were free to use any mode of expression - be it writing, drawing, sketching, or anything else with the main aim to make them explore their inner world, opinions, views, habits, qualities, and attributes which they can improve upon. Hence, more than just a 'Journaling Challenge', this was meant to be a journey inward on the path of self-development and outward as well enhancing their 'Communication Skills'. So along with the DE projects, Saffronites had a wonderful time going through their creative and extremely well-written, well-expressed journals as well.
Overall the exhibition of 2nd January, 2023 became a symbol of creativity and self-expression where Saffrony Institute witnessed the wealth of talent and potential that exists within our student body. 
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