Institute Updates - Expert Session & Workshop - Expert Session & Workshops on 'Arduino Board', 5th and 6th July, 2019 | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - Expert Session & Workshop - Expert Session & Workshops on 'Arduino Board', 5th and 6th July, 2019

Electronics and Communication and Electrical Engineering departments of Saffrony Institute of Technology  had organized an Expert Session on “Introduction to Arduino Board” on 5th  & 6th July, 2019 and another workshop on “Advance Applications of Arduino Board” on 6th July, 2019. 

Nowadays, the Arduino board has become one of the most important electronics board for various ongoing projects. It is the main unit for controlling various operations in a project. It becomes the bridge between software and hardware. It is used in almost all fields like Embedded, Robotics, Medical, and various Communication projects.  

For this expert talk and workshop, the department had invited  Prof. Rikin Nayak and Prof. Jagrat Mehta, Assistant professors of EC Department at C.I.Patel Institute of Technology, Changa. They are research scholars of an ISRO funded project in collaboration with C.I.Patel Institute of Technology, Changa.

Students learnt programming  language used for Arduino board and the use of Arduino board for interfacing the controller to various hardware boards of different applications as well. 

The sessions were thoroughly interactive and we got very positive feedback from the students regarding the two workshops. 

Here are the glimpses of the same:   



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