Institute Updates - Faculty Development Program - Two Faculty Members of Electrical Department Attended workshop of “Hands on Training on Sequel App” on 2nd August, 2019 at GTU, Chandkheda Campus | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - Faculty Development Program - Two Faculty Members of Electrical Department Attended workshop of “Hands on Training on Sequel App” on 2nd August, 2019 at GTU, Chandkheda Campus

A workshop on “Hands-on Training on Sequel App” was held on 2nd August, 2019 at GTU, Chandkheda Campus. Two Faculty Members of Electrical Department, Prof. Malay Bhatt-HoD and Prof. Jignesh Kadia attended this one day workshop.
The workshop was conducted by Prof. Dr. Mahesh. B. Patil, Professor, Department of Electrical Engg, IIT Bombay. It was on Sequel App, an app developed at IIT Bombay to teach Electrical and Electronics subjects.  The teacher solves a numerical problem based on a certain topic and shows relevant simulation results in the class and students work out the solution and verify their answers using Sequel App on their mobiles. This workshop will help faculty members to make the teaching-learning process more interactive and innovative. 
Here are the glimpses of the same: 🖼



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