Institute Updates - FDP- A Faculty Development Program by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 25th-26th November, 2019 | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - FDP- A Faculty Development Program by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 25th-26th November, 2019

A Faculty Development Program  for the faculties of Saffrony Institute of Technology 🏢 was conducted by Shri Kamal Dabawala on 25th and 26th November, 2019. The topic of this FDP was  'Result & Outcome 🎯Orientation'
The session started with an interesting activity to understand 'How our brainimages.pngworks?' and it was demonstrated that 'If there are 'n' number of problems in the world then our mind has n+1 solutions!'.  Another activity of this session was to manufacture & deliver a product to the 🕴client in the lowest possible delivery time and this was simulated as 'Ball⚽ passing activity' with several conditions. The learning from this activity was 'Make output-oriented smart Process. Every year if we repeat the same cycle (process) as a part of any organisation, less chances to grow.  It is mandatory to make improvements, improvisations for better performance and results as well to remain relevant in this fast-changing world. This discussion was followed by sharing of some relevant examples. One more activity of 'Ring 🔘Toss game' was played by a group of faculty members and the learning and realisation from this game was 'If we keep on playing the game for minimum then there is no growth so why not to play for maximum. So, set our goal first and then strengthen ourselves to reach the maximum!'
This training program was highly interactive and full of learning.  Degree and Diploma Engineering faculties attended and actively participated in FDP.  
Here are the glimpses of the same: 🖼
For more photos👉click here👈 
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