Institute Updates - FolloineBoat-2022 - A Line follower robotic event for 6th sem. Degree Computer Students | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - FolloineBoat-2022 - A Line follower robotic event for 6th sem. Degree Computer Students


P. B. Patel Engineering College, Saffrony Institute of Technology (Degree Courses)organized a Line Follower Robotic Event - FollineBoat-2022 for 6th Semester Computer Engineering branch students on 4th and 21st March 2022.This event was the experimental practical learning, a part of the subject Internet of Things of 6th Sem Computer Branch. The event was organized in two phases. The first phase was the learning phase in which all the students learned the fundamental concepts of building the robots and carried out hands-on practices of those robots. The second phase was the execution phase in which students have successfully executed all the concepts that they learned.  

The main objective behind this competition was to boost the practical expertise of the students and give them an experience and platform to learn skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, management efforts, financials of the robots, etc. In this event, students practically learned different concepts such as programming in Arduino, the architecture of Arduino, interfacing of different sensors such as IR sensors and ultrasonic sensors with Arduino, interfacing of different actuators such as servo motors and Dc gear motors with Arduino, speed control of Dc motors using different motor drivers such as L293D, L298N and motor driver shield as well power utilization from batteries, etc. Students participated with enthusiasm and learnt new skills. 

Here are the glimpses of the event. 

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