Institute Updates - Industrial Visit - 4th Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering Students visited Topsun Energy Pvt Ltd | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - Industrial Visit - 4th Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering Students visited Topsun Energy Pvt Ltd

The Electronics and Communication  Engineering Department of Saffrony Institute of Technology has organized an Industrial Visit to ‘Topsun Energy Pvt Ltd at Linch' for the 4th Semester EC Engineering students.  The visit was organized for the subjects like Basic Electronics, Analog and Circuit Design and Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation.

Name of the industry: Topsun Energy Pvt Ltd, Linch
Date and Duration: 25th February, 2019, at 1.30 pm to 3:00 pm.

Topsun is one of the leading system integrators with PV module manufacturing plant having a capacity of 75 MW at current efficiency levels of 320 WP Crystalline Modules. It is the 1st Indian company to get Solarif Qualification and achieve successful export track record for over eight years. Topsun is an important and integral part of the renewable energy industry in India through innovation, reliability and quality. They have deployed a Solar Power Plant in major sectors. Topsun came up with an innovative solution on the power plant for Standalone, Hybrid & Grid connected. 

Students got knowledge about the designing part of solar plants and their assembling levels. 

Prof. Kanu Patel, Prof. Yogesh Kakadiya and Prof. Dipal Patel had accompanied students for this visit.

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