Institute Updates - Industrial Visit - Civil Engineering Students visited Modhera Canal Off-take and Water Treatment Plan | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - Industrial Visit - Civil Engineering Students visited Modhera Canal Off-take and Water Treatment Plan

The Department of Civil Engineering, Saffrony Institute of Technology🏢 had organized a one day Industrial Visit🏭 to GWSSB Canal off-take and Water Treatment Plantlocated at Modhera. Approximately, 40 students of Civil Engineering Department along with two Faculty members visited the plant on 13th March, 2019.

On the site, Students observed the complete Water Treatment Process🌊 of the plant. Officials at the Treatment plant guided students regarding the functions of each unit. They also told the student regarding the water which is coming in the treatment plant and also the flow of water from different units. The visit provided the students with a glimpse into the water treatment process. 

Thereafter a short visit to Narmada Main Canal Canal Syphon on River Pushpapavti at ch. 318.4 km was also organized to provide the students an insight about the cross-drainage work comprising canal and natural drainage.

Here are the Glimpses of the same: 📸

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