Institute Updates - One-Day Online Workshop on "Mechanical Automation using Arduino and its application in Industry 4.0" for 6th Sem Mechanical Department students on 21st January 2022 | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - One-Day Online Workshop on "Mechanical Automation using Arduino and its application in Industry 4.0" for 6th Sem Mechanical Department students on 21st January 2022

The Mechanical Engineering Department organized a One-Day Online Workshop on ' Mechanical Automation using Arduino and its application in Industry 4.0  ' for the students of 6th semester on 21 January 2022.
In this multidisciplinary engineering world, it has become very essential to have overall 360-degree knowledge of your domain.  Hence, The aim of organizing this workshop was to educate mechanical branch students regarding controllers which play a vital role in Industry 4.0 ready industries. Students got an insight of how automated systems (Smart Machines for repetitive work) can be designed and controlled in real life. During this workshop students understood and got a demonstration of Arduino and its application. They learnt arduino programming from the basics to its application as well they learnt programming for bottle lid automation using Arduino, Ultrasonic sensors as well as actuators using online Arduino simulator. They thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and actively participated. 
Here are the glimpses of the workshop.
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