Institute Updates - Two Days Workshop on "FLY - Finding the Leader in You" - 6th & 7th March, 2019 | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - Two Days Workshop on "FLY - Finding the Leader in You" - 6th & 7th March, 2019

"As a leader, the first person I need to lead is me. The first person that I should try to change is me."

-  John C. Maxwell


Saffrony Institute of Technology organized a 2-day skillful workshop of "FLY - Finding the Leader in You" on 6th - 7th March, 2019. The experts were Ms. Pavani Agrawal and Ms. Viraj Vora from Competitiveness Mindset Institute (CMI).

A total of 36 students participated in this interactive workshop which gave them an insightful experience in the world of Leadership. It was based on 'The 5 pillars to become a successful leader namely Conscientiousness, Problem Solving, Perseverance, Innovativeness & Taking Initiatives'.

All 5 pillars imparted in participants with practical exercises having a logical approach, group discussions and also worthwhile information which can be used in both - one's professional and personal life.

Here are the Glimpses of the same: 📸

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