Institute Updates - Visited Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL), Santalpur, Charanka, Gujarat on 2nd & 3rd August, 2019 | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Institute Updates - Visited Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL), Santalpur, Charanka, Gujarat on 2nd & 3rd August, 2019

The Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering Department of Saffrony Institute of Technology🏢 organized an Industrial Visit at ‘Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL), Santalpur, Charanka, Gujarat' for the 3rd and 5thsemester EC Engineering and 3rd-semester Electrical students on 2nd and 3rd August, 2019. Accompanying the 23 students were 2 faculty members, Prof. Kanu Patel and Prof. Dipal Patel.

At Charanka, GPCL has developed the Gujarat's Biggest Solar Park. It is Asia’s first multi-developer, multi-facility, multi-technology, and multi beneficiary Solar Park. It is anintegrated hub of Solar Power generation which is first of its kind in Asia.

Currently, GPCL is working on various types of projects like Gas ProjectsNuclear ProjectsSolar ProjectsWind Projects (On-shore and Off-shore)Mining Projects,  Tidal ProjectsRooftop ProjectsOut of these projects, Saffronites visited the Solar Park and Wind Park on 2nd August and 3rd August, 2019 respectively.  

Students learned about Solar Technology and its working fundamentals. They have seen that how solar energy and wind energy are converted into useful energy and how it is transmitted to Government Electrical Company through heavy and costly distribution lines. For the same, it requires various types of electrical instruments. Students also learned about the software used for controlling the whole project. Also, we came across the information about the installation of solar panels. 

Here are the glimpses of the same:🖼


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