IIC Cell | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

IIC Cell

Saffrony Institute's Innovation Council (IIC): Igniting Ideas, Incubating Innovations

A Pioneering Platform for Progressive Thinking

Welcome to the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) at Saffrony Institute of Technology, an initiative aligned with the MHRD's Innovation Cell (MIC) to sculpt a culture of innovation within our academic environs. As a selected institution for this prestigious program, we are dedicated to enriching the innovative prowess of our students and faculty.

Our Mission

With the vision of MHRD's MIC, our IIC is committed to fostering, inspiring, and nurturing young minds to convert ideas into impactful prototypes during their academic tenure. We aim to establish a vibrant ecosystem that propels innovative thinking, cognitive skill development, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Our Focus

The core objective of IIC at Saffrony Institute is multifaceted:

Cultivating Innovation: Building a dynamic local innovation ecosystem.

Supporting Start-ups: Crafting mechanisms to support start-ups and entrepreneurship within the HEI.

Cognitive Development: Enhancing the cognitive abilities of our technology students.

Our Functions

Innovation Ecosystem: Instigate a culture of innovation through diverse activities, maintaining an innovation-promotion environment on campus.

Events and Workshops: Implement MIC-directed innovation and entrepreneurship activities, workshops, and seminars with industry and academic professionals.

Recognition of Innovation: Identify, recognize, and disseminate information on notable innovations within the institution.

Networking and Mentoring: Establish connections with national entrepreneurial organizations and create a mentor pool for nurturing student innovators.

Innovation Portal: Launch an Innovation Portal showcasing the innovative projects of faculty and students.

Collaborative Competitions: Engage in Hackathons, idea competitions, and challenges in partnership with industry stakeholders.

Our Promise

The IIC does not require significant capital investment as it leverages our robust local ecosystem. Here are the benefits to our institution, faculty, and students:

Exclusive Opportunities: Unique access to MHRD's innovation and competition initiatives.

Recognition and Rewards: Win prizes and receive certificates for innovation.

Networking: Connect with business leaders and academic luminaries.

Mentorship: Receive guidance from industry professionals.

Technological Experimentation: Hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies.

Cultural Enrichment: Opportunities to visit new places and learn diverse cultures.

Join IIC at Saffrony Institute

Embrace the journey from ideation to innovation with the IIC at Saffrony Institute of Technology. Whether you're ideating your first prototype or dreaming of your start-up, the IIC is your incubator for success.

Let's innovate together, turning our campus into a crucible of creativity.


Visit here for more details : MoE | MoE Innovation Cell (mic.gov.in)

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