Electoral Literacy Clubs (ELC) | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU

Electoral Literacy Clubs (ELC)

1. Details of ELC

2. ELC Members

Sr. No. Name Designation Enrollment
1 Dr. Harshvadan Patel Principal -
2 Prof. Mahendra Patel Principal -
3 Prof. Kunalsinh Kathia Faculty -
4 Prof. Ramprakash Inani Faculty -
5 Prof. Avani Dedhia Faculty -
6 Dhairya Paresh Kalathia Student 210390107016
7 Mayank Ashoksinh Rajput Student 210390107031
8 Karmvirsinh Indrajitsinh Jadeja Student 210390107034
9 Adhithyan Nagesh Student 210390119003
10 Patel Palkumar Jatinkumar Student 220393119002
11 Prajapati Arpitkumar Dineshbhai Student 210390119005
12 Kashish Rakeshbhai Patel Student 210390107012
13 Prinsi Sureshkumar Prajapati Student 210390107052
14 Pallavkumar Dineshbhai Chavda Student 210390107003
15 Haniben Bhikhabhai Patel Student 210390107045
16 Vanik Janvi Mahendrabhai Student 210390106004
17 Sneh Tarunbhai Patel Student 210390116007
18 Darshan Satishbhai Parekh Student 210390116015
19 Riya Dilipbhai Prajapati Student 210390116010
21 Harsh Anilkumar Makwana Student 216930319005
22 Saiyad Faijan Mahebubbhai Student 216930306005
23 Aditya Pinakinbhai Shrimali Student 216930302018

3. Photographs of the event 


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