Laboratories | 1st Ranked Institute in GTU
  • Mechanical Engineering Open or Close

    Mechanical engineering is also referred to as the ‘mother’ of all engineering branches. So, the laboratories must be such that it justifies the contents of such a class and diversified stream of engineering. Mechanical Engineering encompasses areas such as energy, fluid mechanics, dynamics, combustion, vibration, design, manufacturing processes, systems modeling and simulation, mechatronics, robotics, mechanics of material, rapid prototyping and composites. In the institute, the laboratories and workshops are fully equipped with a complete set of latest equipment and tools, which cater to the needs of the undergraduate and postgraduate students and has experienced technical staff from industrial background.


    An appealing feature of mechanical engineering is that the application base of this field of study is extremely broad and diverse. If you are intrigued by how things work, fascinated by robots and automobile engines, then mechanical engineering is the profession for you. The Mechanical Engineering Department of the institute covers a vast number of areas including Thermodynamics, Manufacturing processes, Fluid mechanics, Solid mechanics, Heat transfer, Machine design, Industrial Engineering, Production Technology, and Control Engineering etc.


    Various labs and workshops encompass the vital aspects of Mechanical Engineering – Hydraulics, Machine Tools, and Heat Engines etc. The major equipments used are Universal Testing Machine, Gyroscope, and Balancing Apparatus, Drilling Machine, Milling Machine, Lathe Machines and many more. Focus is not only on the conventional method of machining, but also the new trend i.e. Non conventional machining aspects are also taken care of here by providing the practical exposure of Electro Discharge Machining and CNC Machines to the Mechanical students.




  • Automobile Engineering Open or Close

    The department boasts of sophisticated Automobile Engineering Laboratories such as Engine Testing & Pollution Measurement Lab, Auto Scanning Lab (including various set-ups as Wheel balancing, Wheel Alignment, Headlight focusing etc). In addition to this, basic laboratories such as Chassis Components, Engine Component and Vehicle Maintenance Labs etc are also there in the department. Other basic laboratories like – Strength of Materials, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Thermal Engineering, Metrology Lab etc have also been developed and is backed up by a modern workshop containing Carpentry, Smithy, Fitting, Welding, Machine Shop, Foundry Shop etc.

    The department also boasts of a fully developed CAD Lab System for designing of automobile components. The major features of the laboratories are Automobile System and Vehicle Maintenance and Garage Practice along with additional features like Cut section of Petrol and Diesel engines of various two wheelers and four wheelers to provide the relevant practical knowledge to the students. Students along with the curricular activities, also utilize the lab equipments and facilities for their co-curricular activities like Mega ATV Championship, SAE BAJA competition where students can design and fabricate an ATV by themselves in lab without any need of outside assistance.


  • Civil Engineering Open or Close

    The laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department are well equipped with all the required experimental setups to provide full hands-on experience to the students. There are total 8 well-furnished labs of the civil engineering department namely –

    Building Construction Lab:

    Here students make models of humongous structures like Dams, Canals, Railway stations, Bridges to small detailed models of Beams, Slabs, Joints etc. The entire expense of making models is funded by the college.

    The main purpose of this exercise of making students make the models is to help our students visualize better. 

    Surveying Lab:

    Measuring land and levels correctly is a chief responsibility of a civil engineer and to facilitate this we have instruments of land surveying like Total Station, Digital Theodolite and even GPS – Global Positioning System that does surveying with the help of satellites, and students perform practicals themselves on these instruments.

    For a Subject like Surveying where field practice & Field Experience is very important, we arrange educational trips for the same every year. We take students on a hilly terrain where they can get an idea of forming Contour Maps.

    Environment Lab:

    Our Environment lab consist of equipments like a C.O.D. Digestic Apparatus, B.O.D. Indicator, Muffle Furnace, Hot air oven, Magnetic stitrrer, digital pH Meter, Turbidity Meter, T. D. S. Meter, pH / Redox Electrode and many more.

    Earthquake Lab:

    We have a Horizontal Shake table in our lab with frames of different structural system to help students understand the behavior of buildings during an earthquake. Students also make G+3 models with different structural systems themselves, test their models and learn through such experiments.

    Highway Engineering Lab:

    We have a state of art Highway Engineering lab with instruments like Ductility Testing Machine, C.B.R. Testing machine, Bitumen extractor, Los-Angeles Abrasion Testing machine, Tar Viscometer,   Softening Point Apparatus, Aggregate impact factor testing apparatus and sieve shaker.

    Concrete Technology Lab:

    Our Concrete Technology lab consist of instruments like the Compaction Factor Apparatus, Concrete mixer, Wee-bee consistometer, Vibrating Table, Needle Vibrator, Flow Table, Sieve shaker, Slump cone test set up, cube casting moulds of two different sizes and also beam casting moulds etc.

    Soil Mechanics Lab:

    Our Soil Mechanics or Foundation Engineering lab is well equipped with soil testing instruments like Unconfined compression tester, Consolidation test apparatus, Swell apparatus, Permeability apparatus, Soil extractor, Permeability test apparatus, Plate load test apparatus, Dynamic cone apparatus, Proctor mould, Dynamic cone test apparatus, core cutter, sand pouring cylimeter, rifle slump, hot air oven, etc.

    Fluid Mechanics Lab:

    To understand the behavior of liquids as well the canal working systems, our Fluid Mechanics lab is facilitated with Apparatus for Bernoulli’s equation, Venturimeter and orifice meter, Pressure measurement apparatus, Pelton wheel turbine, Francis turbine, Hydraulic tilting flume, constant speed pump, reciprocating pump, Reynold’s apparatus, Free & Force vortex apparatus etc.

    Mechanics of Solids Lab:

    We use various materials in construction and this lab helps us to study the properties of different materials and structures. The equipments used in the lab are Worm and worm wheel, winch crab model, pulley demonstration set model, jib crane model, polygon of force apparatus model, Universal testing machine, Torsion testing machine, simple wheel and differential axle and many more.

    Computer Lab:

    The Civil Department also has its very own computer lab which gives access to academic versions of design softwares like SAP2000 and ETABS, construction management software like Microsoft Project and the drafting software – AutoCAD.



  • Computer & IT Open or Close

    The Computer Engineering and Information Technology Department’s laboratories are equipped with state of the art hardware and up to date software. The Department of CSE/IT laboratories housing 1:1 computers with LAN and Internet facility where the students can practice programming skills, projects and some hardware practices. Available Laboratories are: Circuit & Device Lab, Digital Electronics Lab, Computing Lab, Advanced Computing Lab, Computer Networking Lab, Microprocessor Lab, and Digital Communication Lab and many more.

  • Electrical Open or Close

    We have one of the best Laboratory facilities in North Gujarat region

    AC & DC Machine Lab:

    In Machine Lab Various AC and DC machines like Induction Motors, AC & DC Generators, Transformers, Synchronous Machine are available. Student can perform various experiments like performance characteristic of various machines and testing of them. They can also collect real time data and analysis them on their computer.

    High Voltage Lab:

    This Lab provides clear understanding of Generation, Measurement, Analysis of High Voltage and various aspects of Insulation and Dielectric strength of material. We have major equipments: 150KV Impulse generator, 60KV Oil Test Kit, 50-70KV AC/DC Test Set, 30KV Insulation Tester, 50KV Resistance and Capacitor divider, 20KV Horn Gap Apparatus.

    Switchgear and Protection Laboratory:

    Our Lab is equipped with the electromechanical and numerical relays for better understanding of fundamental of power system protection. The experiments on over current, earth fault protection, relay coordination of parallel feeders, induction motor protection,transformer protection and Fuse MCB Test Kit can be carried out.

    EEE, Workshop and Software Lab

    In this Laboratory students can understand basics Laws and fundamentals of electrical Engineering and they can carry out their project work. Students can also do simulation of various problems on our software Lab.

    Saffrony Electronics and Electical Innovation Club:

    By considering recent trends in energy saving and opportunities in LED Products. We had established Saffrony Electrical and Electronics Innovation Club in 2015.

    Under this club student can understand and get aware of various LED products and they can also make their own LED products.


  • Electronics & Communication Engineering Open or Close

    Well-equipped laboratories having latest instruments.

    The Electronics and Communication Branch, is enriched with well - developed laboratories, having variety of equipment useful for novice to understand concepts to high end equipment for different applications. Department has developed various laboratories with variety of standard equipment and software tools which are necessity of today’s industrial requirement. Well Equipped Laboratories are useful for students to implement the theory in practical aspects.

    Department also has its own computer center, possessing computers of latest configuration in LAN mode with high speed Internet connection. Details of various laboratories are as follows:

    Digital Signal Processing, Signals and Systems, Telecommunication Switching systems and Networks, Circuit & Networks, Basic Electronics, Analog Electronics, Satellite Communication, Microwave Engineering, SEEIC Club etc.

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